
luni, 31 mai 2010

Paula Seling

Girl, girl, girl, can't you see
What you do to me tonight
Boy, boy, boy, if you're mean
I will start a fight tonight!

You and I could try to stop
Uh boy till you drop
If we get together now
We'll burn this place down!

You and me can't you see
We're playing with fire
Tell me now do you feel
This burning desire?

Don't stop, make it rock
Is taking us higher
Could it be just a dream
Are you running away?

Boy, boy, boy, what a fight
Come and spend with me the night!
Girl, girl, girl are you sure?
I ain't here to fight alright!

You and I could try to stop
Uh boy till you drop
If we get together,
Now we'll burn this place down!

You and me can't you see,
We're playing with fire,
Tell me now do you feel
This burning desire?

Don't stop, make it rock!
Is taking us higher
Could it be just a dream,
Are you running away?

You and me can't you see
We're playing with fire!
Tell me now do you feel
This burning desire?

Don't stop, make it rock!
Is taking us higher
Could it be just a dream
Are you running away?

You and me can't you see?
We're playing with fire
Tell me now do you feel
This burning desire?

Don't stop make it rock!
Is taking us higher
Could it be just a dream
Are you running away?

If we get together,

Now we'll burn thïs place down!


duminică, 30 mai 2010

Juliana Pasha

Performer: Juliana Pasha
Song title: It’s All About You
Song writer(s): Pirro Çako
Song composer(s): Ardit Gjebrea

You are the one
You give me that something I need
It is me, and I’m calling
You are the one
Making it easy to be
In love with you I’m falling
We been down
Don’t you know we been down here, and I feel it
Even now,
Time that we make a deal, and seal it

It’s all about you
The things that I do
The rest of the world don’t understand me
You are all I dream
Everything that I need
Because when you are gone, I feel so empty
It’s all in the way you look at me
You’re driving me crazy
It’s all about you
All the things that I do
You are my life
Because you make it amazing

I am the one
Who doesn’t know how to say no..
To you I’m so easy
I am the one
Who’s letting my ego just go
For you complete me

We have been down
But something tells me it’s only getting better
So stick around
I want to know what it feels like forever
And ever

It’s all about you
The things that I do
The rest of the world don’t understand me
You’re all that I dream
Everything that I need
Because when you are gone I feel so empty
It’s all in the way you look at me
You are driving me crazy
It’s all about you
All the things that I do
You are my life
Because you make it amazing

I am never alone with the loving you give me
Wherever I go I’m hoping you miss me
Don’t want to ever go back
Never ever go back
Baby you’re my destiny

Oh yea.

joi, 27 mai 2010

Charles Baudelaire - Otrava

Sa-mbrace stie vinul speluncile murdare
În strai de vis, stralucitor,
Si-nalta porti boltite si arcuri tari, usor,
În rosul aur din pahare,
Ca soarele ce-apune pe cerul plin de nori.

Si opiul mareste ce-i fara de hotare,
Tot întinzînd nemarginiri.
El vremii si placerii le stoarce adînciri;
Cu-ntunecata nepasare
Încarca inimi peste daraua de iubiri.

Dar ele n-au puterea ce-o are doar veninul
Din ochii tai, din ochii verzi,
Lac unde-n tremur chipu-mi stînd rasturnat, îl pierzi...
Cînd visul meu, seninul,
Amar si-adapa turma în apele lor verzi.

Dar ele nu-s asemeni cu vraja ta grozava,
Cu-al tau sarut muscînd cumplit,
Ce-neaca în uitare un suflet catranit,
Si-n valuri revarsînd otrava,
Pîna-n limanul mortii mi l-au rostogolit!

Charles Baudelaire - Tristetea lunii

În asta seara luna viseaza mai trîndava,
Ca o frumoasa care în perini s-a culcat,
Si-si mîngîie cu mîna-i usoara, în zabava,
Cînd atipeste, sînul rotund si despuiat.

Pe umeri de matase o poarta moi nametii,
Cînd moare istovita de lungul ei lesin,
Si ochii-i dusi pe albe vedenii ale vietii,
Le suie-nfloritoare spre cerul ei senin.

Si cînd ades pe lume, de-aleanul ei patrunsa,
Îsi lasa ca sa pice o lacrima ascunsa,
Doar un poet cucernic, dusman al somnului,

Ia lacrima palita, în palme o aduna
Ca pe-un opal cu ape ce licare, s-o puna
În inima, departe de ochii soarelui.

miercuri, 26 mai 2010

Zeita Diana

Diana , zeita romana a vanatorii , naturii , fertilitatii si nasterii , corespunde in mitologia greaca zeitei Artemis.
Conform mitologiei romane , Diana , fiica a lui Jupiter , a fost nascuta de catre Latona , impreuna cu fratele ei geaman , Apollo , pe insula Delos.
Ca zeita a vanatorii era asociata cu animalele salbatice si cu padurile, stejarii fiind copacii sacri ai acesteia.Diana era , totodata , o zeita a lunii , fiind venerata mai intai pe muntele Tifata , din apropierea asezarii Capua si in padurile sacre , in special in padurea Diana Nemorensis ( "Diana padurilor") , pe malurile lacului Nemi din Aricia , in apropierea Romei .Preotul ei traia in Aricia si se spunea ca orice barbat care putea sa il ucida cu un arc facut dintr-o ramura din padure , putea deveni el insusi preot al zeitei .
Mai tarziu , i-a fost dedicat un templu pe dealul Aventine , unde i se inchinau in special cei din clasele inferioare , plebeii si sclavii .Patroana a sclavilor , acestia puteau cere azil in templul ei.
Festivalul zeitei Diana avea loc cu ocazia Idelor din august ( 13 august) , data la care regele Servius Tillius , el insusi nascut ca sclav , i-a dedicat templul de pe dealul Aventine.
Originar , o zeita a fertilitatii , apoi si un simbol al castitatii , Diana era venerata mai ales de catre femei , ca ocrotitoare a graviditatii si a nasterii usoare.
Numele ei deriva , posibil , din "Diviana" ("cea stralucitoare").In mitologia greaca , zeita Diana face parte dintr-o trinitate de divinitati , alaturi de Virbius , zeu al padurilor (despre care se spune ca ar fi fost primul preot al Dianei) si Egeria , nimfa apelor , alaturi de care veghea asupra nasterilor.

marți, 25 mai 2010

Sarah Brightman - Italiano

Sarah Brightman (Berkhamstead, 14 agosto 1960) è un soprano e attrice inglese.
Nonostante possegga un'impostazione vocale improntata sul canto lirico (è un soprano leggero), esegue un repertorio di genere pop, operatic pop, techno, lirico, new age, symphonic rock e pop rock È stata interprete di diversi musical e film.

Dopo la vendita di più di 26 milioni di album in tutto il mondo, Sarah Brightman si è imposta come il soprano di maggior successo di tutti i tempi.

Originaria dello Hertfordshire, prima di sei figli, ha manifestato fin da bambina un forte interesse per il mondo dello spettacolo, iniziando a prendere lezioni di danza classica e dimostrandosi subito un'allieva eccellente.

A sedici anni, nel 1976, Brightman entrò nel gruppo di danza dei Pan's People. Successivamente fece parte di Hot Gossip, uno spettacolo musicale trasmesso regolarmente dal programma The Kenny Everett Video Show. Nello stesso anno il gruppo ebbe anche una hit disco nelle classifiche musicali, I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper, grazie alla quale Sarah scoprì la propria vocazione di cantante. Negli anni seguenti iniziò ad incidere singoli,che tuttavia non riscossero grande successo di pubblico.

Nel 1981 fece un provino per il musical Cats, novità del periodo, ottenendo il ruolo di Jemima. Grazie alla partecipazione a Cats conobbe il suo futuro marito, il compositore Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Nel 1984 Webber ottiene il divorzio dalla prima moglie per sposare la Brightman, che divenne così la star di acclamati musical, fra cui Aspects of Love e The Phantom of the Opera, interpretando il ruolo della protagonista, Christine Daaë che si dice essere stato scritto appositamente per lei. Porta al successo numerosi brani di questo musical, tra cui Think of Me, All I Ask of You e The Phantom of the Opera (reinterpretato da numerosi altri artisti).

Nel 1989 interpreta la canzone Make Believe per il cartone animato Granpa.

Nel 1990 Brightman e Lloyd Webber divorziano amichevolmente.

Nel 1991 Sarah conosce colui che sarebbe diventato il suo produttore e compagno di vita, Frank Peterson. Col suo aiuto diventa una star internazionale. La loro prima collaborazione con una casa discografica importante (la A&M Records) fu Dive (1993), un album concettuale incentrato sul mare, contenente la hit Captain Nemo.
Nel 1992 canta assieme a José Carreras Amigos para siempre per i Giochi della XXV Olimpiade di Barcellona.
Con Fly (del 1995), un album pop/rock, Sarah Brightman diventa una star nel panorama musicale europeo, merito anche della hit A Question Of Honour. La canzone, presentata al match del Campionato Mondiale di Boxe dove si sfidarono il tedesco Henry Maske e Graciano Rocchigiani, è un brano che mescola in sé elementi di musica dance, rock e classica (è presente infatti un sample tratto da La Wally).

Time to Say Goodbye (meglio conosciuta in Italia come Con te partirò) fu il secondo singolo estratto da Fly, anch'esso cantato per Maske, questa volta nel match di ritorno. Il duetto con il tenore Andrea Bocelli vendette più di 4 milioni di copie solo in Germania (il singolo più venduto di tutti i tempi in tale nazione), ed ebbe vastissimo successo anche in altri paesi (tranne in Italia dove maggiore popolarità investe la versione da solista di Andrea Bocelli).

Timeless (1997) oltre a contenere il fenomeno mondiale Time To Say Goodbye, presenta anche cover di altro livello trasformati in classici lirici, come Just Show Me How To Love You (cantata con José Cura e originariamente interpretata da Dario Baldan Bembo col titolo di Tu cosa fai stasera?), Who Wants To Live Forever (Queen) e Tu Quieres Volver (originariamente dei Gipsy Kings). Nell'album è presente un secondo duetto con Cura, dal titolo There for me, successivamente eseguito con Josh Groban nel video del concerto La Luna.

Viste le capacità della Brightman di fondere insieme lo stile pop con la voce e la disciplina lirica, Peterson decise di promuovere la cantante e trovare per lei un genere innovativo, ispirandosi agli Enigma, con cui iniziò la carriera di manager. Fu così che con un nuovo mix di classica, pop ed elettronica uscirono gli album tutt'ora più venduti e famosi di Sarah, quali Eden (1998), La Luna (2000) e Harem (2003), rappresentanti una nuova incarnazione dell'artista e soprattutto della formula Brightman-Peterson. Ognuno di questi album, oltrettutto, ha dato vita a tour di dimensioni gigantesche, con coreografie epiche e maestosi costumi, tendenti a rivendicare le origini teatrali della Brightman.

Nel 2002 duetta con Eric Adams, cantante dei Manowar, in "Where Eagles Fly", mai pubblicata ufficialmente.

Agli inizi del (2008) a distanza di cinque anni dal precedente lavoro esce Symphony, il nuovo album che oltre alla ormai consolidata unione di più generi musicali sembra aggiungere sonorità gotiche, ben rappresentate dalla canzone Fleurs du Mal. Questo cd presenta quattro duetti: con Andrea Bocelli, il tenore Alessandro Safina, il controtenore Fernando Lima e Paul Stanley dei Kiss. Nel novembredello stesso anno parte in Messico il tour chiamato Symphony World Tour.

Nel 2008 prende parte alla cerimonia di apertura dei Giochi della XXIX Olimpiade di Pechino cantando, con la popstar cinese Liu Huan, la canzone You and Me, che diverrà l'inno dei Giochi olimpici di quell'anno.

A fine novembre 2008 in America è uscito il film Repo! The Genetic Opera, un rock-musical diretto da Darren Lynn Bousman in cui Sarah recita e canta accanto a Paul Sorvino(Quei bravi ragazzi), Anthony Stewart Head (Rupert Giles in Buffy l'ammazzavampiri) e altri personaggi, tra cui Paris Hilton.

Sempre a novembre la sua discografia si arricchisce di un nuovo album, A Winter Symphony, a tema invernale; tra le varie tracce compaiono l'evergreen Silent Night, Happy Xmas (War Is Over) senza dimenticare Arrival, cover dell'omonimo pezzo strumentale degli ABBA.

Numerosi sono stati i premi che la cantante si è guadagnata nel corso della sua ormai trentennale carriera: in tutti e cinque i continenti ha ricevuto numerosissimi dischi d'oro ( 7 in Brasile e altrettanti in Giappone solo per fare due esempi) e dischi platino (8 in Canada, 6 in Germania, 6 in Australia e in molte altre parti del mondo), per un totale di oltre 170 distribuiti in 38 paesi. Inoltre diversi importanti riconoscimenti li ha ricevuti in Germania, Taiwan, Irlanda, USA

Sarah Brightman - Français

Sarah Brightman, est une chanteuse et actrice britannique, née le 14 août 1960 (49 ans) à Berkhampstead en Angleterre.

Elle a vendu plus de 26 millions d'albums dans le monde entier.

Dès l'âge de trois ans, Sarah Brightman suit des cours de danse. Au bout d'une dizaine d'années, elle fait ses débuts dans le spectacle "I And Albert" de Charles Strouse. En 1976, on la retrouve à la télévision avec le groupe Pan's People et deux ans plus tard, Sarah Brightman chante le titre "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper" avec le groupe pop Hot Gossip et ce titre sera en 6ème position durant plusieurs semaines aux UK Singles Chart.

En 1981, elle tient le rôle de Jemima dans la comédie musicale Cats de Andrew Lloyd Webber avec qui elle se marie en 1984. En 1986, elle chante dans la comédie musicale The Phantom of the Opera de Andrew Lloyd Weber. En 1988, Sarah Brightman sort son premier album solo, The Trees They Grow So High, immédiatement suivi en 1989 par l'album The Songs That Got Away. En juin 1990, elle divorce d'Andrew Lloyd Weber et sortira son troisième disque solo, As I Came of Age.

Elle rencontre Frank Peterson (qui travaillait avec la chanteuse "Sandra" ainsi que Michael Cretu, le producteur d' Enigma). Créateur du groupe musical Gregorian, il produira l'album Dive ainsi que tous les suivants. Contrairement à ce qui est souvent dit, elle ne prête pas sa voix à la diva Plava-Laguna dans le film Le Cinquième Élément de Luc Besson. C'est la soprano Inva Mula-Tchako qui interprète le fameux air "The Diva Dance", un remix de l'aria Il dolce suono, extrait de l'opéra Lucia di lammermoor.

Elle sortira une quinzaine d'albums jusqu'en 2001. Fin 2002, l'album Encore fait son apparition dans les bacs français. En 2002 et 2007 Sarah Brightman a aussi interprété deux différentes versions de la chanson "The Secret / The Secret Still Remain" avec le DJ allemand Sash! . En 2003, elle sort l'album Harem qui sera suivi d'une tournée mondiale de 2004 à 2005. En janvier 2008 elle sort son dernier album intitulé "Symphony" qui inclut notamment un duo avec Andrea Bocelli (Canto Della Terra) et un autre avec Paul Stanley (I Will Be With You). Il s'en suivra l'album "Winter Symphony", un album de Noël dans la lignée du précédent, sorti en octobre 2008.

Le 8 août 2008, elle chante la chanson thème "You And Me" des jeux olympiques de Pékin durant la cérémonie d'ouverture sur un magnifique globe avec le chanteur pop chinois Liu Huan.

En novembre 2008, la chanteuse commence une nouvelle tournée Mondiale aux États-Unis avec "The Symphony World Tour". Puis au début de l'année 2009, elle se produit en Asie.

Sarah Brightman - English

Sarah Brightman (born 14 August 1960) is an English classical crossover soprano, actress, songwriter and dancer. She began her career as a member of the dance troupes Pan's People and Hot Gossip and released several disco singles as a solo performer. In 1981, she made her musical theatre debut in Cats and met composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, whom she married. She went on to star in several Broadway musicals including The Phantom of the Opera, where she originated the role of Christine Daaé.

After retiring from the stage and divorcing Lloyd Webber, Brightman resumed her music career with former Enigma producer Frank Peterson, this time as a classical artist. She is among the most prominent performers in the genre, with worldwide sales of more than 30 million albums and over 2 million DVDs.] The Recording Industry Association of America has named her the best-selling female classical artist of the twenty-first century in the United States.

Apart from music, Brightman has begun a film career, making her major debut in Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008), a rock opera-musical film directed by Darren Lynn Bousman.

Brightman, the eldest of six children, was born to businessman Grenville Geoffrey Brightman (1934[4]–1992) and Paula Brightman (née Hall). She was raised in Little Gaddesden, a village near Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, and lived in John O'Gaddesden House in the village. At age three, she began taking dance classes at the Elmhurst School for Dance in Camberley, Surrey. and went on to perform in local festivals and competitions. At age 11, she successfully auditioned for The Arts Educational School, Tring Park, a boarding school specialising in performing arts. Although Brightman was teased by other students and attempted to run away, she nevertheless remained at the school. Later, she auditioned for the Royal Ballet in London but was rejected. Brightman continued to study dance, particularly jazz, as a pupil of choreographer Arlene Phillips.

In 1976, she joined the dance group Pan's People and appeared on the BBC series Top of the Pops. She left a year later to lead Phillips' troupe Hot Gossip. More provocative than Pan's People, the group had a disco hit in 1978 with "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper", which sold half a million and reached number six on the UK charts. Hot Gossip released a follow-up single, "The Adventures of the Love Crusader", six months later, but it failed to chart. Brightman, now solo, released more disco singles under Whisper Records, such as "Not Having That!" and a cover of the song "My Boyfriend's Back".

1981–1989: Stage career

In 1981, Brightman auditioned for the new musical Cats and was cast as Jemima. In rehearsals she met Andrew Lloyd Webber. The two married in 1984, and Brightman appeared in many of Lloyd Webber's subsequent musicals including Song and Dance and the mass Requiem, the latter written for her. With Requiem she earned her first Grammy nomination.

Brightman starred as Christine Daaé in Lloyd Webber's adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera. The rôle of Christine was written specifically for her. Lloyd Webber refused to open The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway unless Brightman played Christine. Initially, the American Actors' Equity Association balked, due to their policy that any non-American performer must be an international star. Lloyd Webber had to cast an American in a leading rôle in his next West End musical before the Equity would allow Brightman to appear (a promise he kept in casting Aspects of Love).

After leaving Phantom, she performed in a tour of Lloyd Webber's music throughout England, Canada, and the United States, and performed Requiem in the Soviet Union. Studio recordings from this time include the single "Anything But Lonely" from Aspects of Love and two solo albums: the 1988 album The Trees They Grow So High, a compilation of folk songs accompanied by piano, and the 1989 album The Songs That Got Away, a musical theatre compilation of songs cut from shows by composers such as Irving Berlin and Stephen Sondheim.

By 1990, Brightman and Lloyd Webber separated. After their divorce, Brightman played the lead in Lloyd Webber's Aspects in London opposite Michael Praed, before transferring to Broadway.

1990s: Solo career 

Her stage career curtailed, Brightman pursued solo recording in Los Angeles. Inspired by the German band Enigma, she requested to work with one of its members. Her request was answered and in 1991 Brightman traveled to Germany to meet producer Frank Peterson. Their first release was Dive (1993), a water-themed pop album that featured "Captain Nemo", a cover of a song by the Swedish electronica band Dive.

Fly (1995), a pop rock album and her second collaboration with Peterson, propelled Brightman to fame in Europe with the hit "A Question of Honour". The song, introduced at the World Boxing Championship match between Germany's Henry Maske and Graciano Rocchigiani, combined electronic dance music, rock elements, classical strings, and excerpts from the aria "Ebben? ... Ne andrò lontana" from Alfredo Catalani's opera La Wally.
"Time to Say Goodbye" ("Con te partirò") was the second Brightman song debuted for Maske, this time at his retirement match. This duet with tenor Andrea Bocelli sold more than 3 million copies in Germany alone,became Germany's best-selling single, and was successful in numerous other countries; the album eventually sold over 5 million copies worldwide. Due to the song's success, a 1996 re-issue of Fly featured "Time to Say Goodbye" as the first track.

Timeless (released in 1997, with the title Time to Say Goodbye in the United States) contained "Time to Say Goodbye" and other classical-inspired tracks such as "Just Show Me How to Love You", a duet with José Cura (originally sung by Dario Baldambembo with the title "Tu Cosa Fai Stasera?"), a cover of the Queen hit "Who Wants to Live Forever", and "Tu Quieres Volver", (originally recorded by the Gipsy Kings). The album has sold 1.4 million copies in the U.S. alone to date.

Brightman's mainstream exposure in the United States also began around this time, starting with an appearance on Bocelli's December 1997 PBS television special, duetting "Time to Say Goodbye"; later, in March 1998, her own PBS special, Sarah Brightman in Concert at the Royal Albert Hall, marked the point when she crossed from Billboard's Top Heatseekers chart to the Billboard 200 chart, with Time to Say Goodbye.In 1999, she appeared on the album I Won't Forget You by Princessa, another artist with whom Peterson had worked.

2000–2003: Further mainstream success

Later albums included Eden (1998) (the title track of which was a cover of a song by Belgian band Hooverphonic), and La Luna (2000). These albums, unlike Time to Say Goodbye, incorporated more pop music elements. Reviews were mixed - LAUNCHcast deemed Eden "deliriously sappy", while Allmusic called Eden "a winning combination" and La Luna "a solid, stirring collection".

Eden reached #65 on the Billboard 200 charts (certified Gold for selling over 500,000 copies), and La Luna peaked at #17 (La Luna has scanned 873.000 copies sold in the U.S.)]. In addition, both albums reached #1 on Billboard's Classical Crossover charts. At the end of 2001, Billboard magazine noted Brightman as one of four classical crossover artists from the UK (the others being Charlotte Church, Russell Watson, and bond) with albums on both the Classical Crossover and Billboard 200 charts, a phenomenon which, it said, contributed to a resurgence of UK music in the U.S. after "a historic low" in 1999.

In 2001, Brightman released Classics, an album of operatic arias and other classical pieces including a solo version of "Time to Say Goodbye". Its reviews were somewhat better than its predecessors: Entertainment Weekly, although calling Brightman a "stronger song stylist than a singer", gave the album a grade of B-.

In 2002, Brightman released "The secret" on SASH!'s fourth studio album S4!Sash!. This song was re-released in 2007 as "The secret 2007 (Unreleased)" on SASH!'s sixth album 10th Anniversary.

Her 2003 album Harem represented another departure: a Middle Eastern-themed album influenced by dance music. On Harem, Brightman collaborated with artists such as Ofra Haza and Iraqi singer Kazem al-Saher. Nigel Kennedy contributed violin tracks to the songs "Free" and "The War is Over", and Jaz Coleman contributed arrangements.

The album peaked at #29 on the Billboard 200 charts (with sales tracked by Nielsen SoundScan figuring at approximately 333,000, or about one-third the total sales of La Luna), #1 on the Billboard Classical Crossover chart, and yielded a #1 dance/club single with the remix of the title track. Some time later, another single from the album (the ballad "Free", cowritten with Sophie B. Hawkins) became a second Top-10 hit on this chart.

The albums Eden, La Luna, and Harem were accompanied by live tours which incorporated the theatricality of her stage origins. Brightman acknowledged this in an interview, saying, "They're incredibly complicated...[but also] natural. I know what works, what doesn't work, all the old tricks." In both 2000 and 2001, Brightman was among the top 10 most popular British performers in the U.S., with concert sales grossing $7.2 million from 34 shows in 2000 and over $5 million from 21 shows in 2001.

Recently, the Harem tour grossed $60 million and sold 700,000 tickets, $15 million and 225,000 sales of which came from the North American leg, although with ticket prices raised 30% from previous tours, average sales per venue were up 65%. In North America, Harem tour promoters Clear Channel Entertainment (now Live Nation) took the unusual step of advertising to theatre subscribers, in an effort to reach fans of Brightman's Broadway performances, and also sold VIP tickets, at $750 each, that included in-stage seating during the concert and a backstage pass.]

Tour reviews were mixed: one critic from the New York Times called the La Luna tour "not so much divine but post-human" and "unintentionally disturbing: a beautiful argument of emptiness." In contrast, a reviewer from the Boston Globe deemed the Harem tour "unique, compelling" and "charmingly effective."

Television specials on PBS were produced for nearly every Brightman album in the U.S.; a director of marketing has credited these as her number-one source of exposure in the country. Indeed, her concert for Eden was among PBS's most grossing pledge events.


Brightman released a DVD collection of her music videos on 3 October 2006 under the title of Diva: The Video Collection. Diva: The Singles Collection is the accompanying CD, released on the same date. The album marked the first time Brightman has released a greatest hits album in the United States; it reached #1 on the Billboard Classical Crossover chart. (Classics, from 2001, featured seven new recordings in addition to the previously-released material, and her other reflective offering, The Best of 1990-2000, was a European-only release.)

Brightman was one of the artists featured on the January 2007 series of the prime time BBC One show Just the Two of Us, partnered with English cricketer Mark Butcher. The pair finished the competition in third place.

Subsequent appearances include the Concert for Diana in July 2007, where she sang "All I Ask of You" from The Phantom of the Opera with Josh Groban, Around 15 million people from across the UK watched Concert for Diana at home, and it was broadcast to over 500 million homes in 140 countries; 7 July 2007 Chinese leg of Live Earth in Shanghai, where she performed four songs ("Nessun Dorma", "La Luna", "Nella Fantasia" and "Time to Say Goodbye") and debuted her single "Running" at the 2007 IAAF Championships in Osaka, Japan on 25 August.She also participated at the 2007 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, where she performed "The Journey Home" on the Jolly Polly Pirate Ship.She recorded a duet with Anne Murray singing "Snowbird" on Murray's 2007 album Anne Murray Duets: Friends and Legends.

On 29 January 2008, Brightman released her first album in five years: Symphony, influenced by gothic music[30]. In the United States it became Brightman's most successful chart entry and also her highest ranked album on Billboard's "Top 200 Albums". It was also a #1 album on two other Billboard's charts: "Top Internet Albums" and "Top Classical Crossover Albums". The album moved there 31,463 copies in first week, according to Nielsen Soundscan. In Canada the album debuted and peaked at and in Mexico it entered at #9, where it peaked at #5. The Song "Symphony" is a cover of "Symphonie" by the German band Silbermond. "Fleurs du Mal" was the second single of the album and experienced extensive radio airplay.

Featured on the album are artists Fernando Lima, Andrea Bocelli, and KISS vocalist Paul Stanley, who duets with Brightman on "I Will Be with You", the album version of the theme song to the 10th Pocket Monsters motion picture, Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai (Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai). To accompany Symphony, Brightman embarked on a tour in Autumn 2008; "The Symphony World Tour" featured new and groundbreaking technology, with virtual and holographic stage sets that have never been seen before in any touring concert production. It grossed over $10 million on the first North American leg, and became one of the most successful tours in the U.S. and Canada.[31] On 16 January 2008, she also appeared in concert at Vienna’s Stephansdom Cathedral performing songs from her new album. Special guests that sang duets with Sarah include Italian tenor Alessandro Safina, Argentinean countertenor Fernando Lima, and British singer Chris Thompson. Brightman made several appearances on television in the United States to promote Symphony, including Fashion on Ice on NBC on 12 January, The View on 30 January, Martha on 31 January and Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel.

She performed two songs, "Pie Jesu" and "There You'll Be", at the United States Memorial Day concert on 25 May 2008 held on the west lawn of the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.. The top-rated show was broadcast live on PBS before a concert audience of 300,000 and millions more at home, as well as to American troops serving around the world on the American Forces Radio and Television Network. Brightman made her feature film debut as Blind Mag in the rock musical film Repo! The Genetic Opera which was released on 7 November 2008 Brightman was cast in the film at the last minute after the original actress who was cast for the role was dropped. On 8 August 2008 Brightman sang the Olympic theme song, "You and Me", with Chinese star Liu Huan in both Mandarin and English at the Beijing 2008 Olympics opening ceremony. The song was broadcast to over five billion viewers. In the 26 hours after the performance, "You and Me" was downloaded 5.7 million times. On 4 November 2008, Brightman released her first holiday album, entitled A Winter Symphony.

On December 2008 Sarah sang "Silent Night" for the Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas parade, airing on ABC Christmas Morning.

ITV television show Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway has featured Brightman's "Time to Say Goodbye" as part of their Ant vs. Dec: The Teams section. The song has been played in the 2008 and 2009 series when a team member is eliminated.

Following her performance at the Beijing Olympics, Sarah was appointed as the Shanghai 2010 World Expo Promotion Ambassador in Britain. In anticipation of the Expo, she launched "Shanghai Week in London", which showcases the city's heritage and culture.

The music of Brightman was featured in the movie Amarufi: Megami no hôshû (international title: Amalfi: Rewards of the Goddess), which was a special production to mark Fuji Television's 50th anniversary. The first Japanese movie to be shot entirely on location in Italy. In conjunction with the release of the movie Amalfi, Sarah released only in Japan an album titled Amalfi – Sarah Brightman Love Songs which reached Gold status in the aforementioned country.

In autumn, 2009 starts a new concert tour called "Sarah Brightman In Concert" covering 13 cities in Latin America. The tour ended with a concert at the archaeological site of Chichen Itza in Mexico called "The Concert of the Pyramid", thus becoming the first woman to give a concert at this wonder of the world.

On November 2009 Brightman was in charge of the main theme song for the historical drama series Saka no Ue no Kumo. The song's lyrics are entirely in Japanese. Titled "Stand Alone," the song was composed by Joe Hisaishi and written by Kundo Koyama. It was included on the drama's soundtrack album, released on 18 November 2009.
On January 2010 Panasonic Corporation launched the song "Shall Be Done" performed by Brightman at Panasonic's Olympic Pavilion at LiveCity Yaletown, official celebration site of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games. Sooner, U.S. media announced that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo model, with the first flight expected to take off from Spaceport America, New Mexico, within the next few years. Around 300 wealthy would-be astronauts include Brightman, physicist Stephen Hawking, and X-Men director Bryan Singer.

Sarah Brightman and Liu Huan performing "You and Me" the Beijing Olympic theme song.

Brightman underwent vocal training first with Elizabeth Hawes, head of the Trinity Music College in London, and later with Ellen Faull of Juilliard. She currently studies with internationally known voice teacher David Romano. She has a three-octave vocal range. According to Brightman, her voice sometimes reaches an F6. However, her highest note sung in public and in studio is the E6 final of "The Phantom of the Opera".

David Caddick, a conductor of Phantom, has stated:

"What is amazing about Sarah is that she has two voices, really. She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a light soprano. The soprano part of her voice can go up to an E natural above high C. She doesn’t sing it full out, but it is there. Of course, she has to dance while she is singing some of the time, so it’s all the more extraordinary."

She sometimes uses her pop and classical voices in the same song. One example is "Anytime, Anywhere" from Eden, a song based on Albinoni's Adagio in G minor. In the song, she starts out in classical voice, switches to pop voice temporarily, and finishes with her classical voice. Another example is heard in the Lions Gate film Repo! The Genetic Opera, during the songs "Chase The Morning" and "Chromaggia" by her character, Blind Mag.

Brightman's music is generally classified as classical crossover. According to Manhattan Records GM Ian Ralfini, she is largely responsible for the popularity of the genre. In a 2000 interview with People, Brightman dismissed the classical crossover label as "horrible" but stated she understood people's need to categorise music. Her personal influences include '60s and '70s musicians and artists such as David Bowie and Pink Floyd, and she incorporates aspects of genres from pop/rock to classical. Her work has also been compared to that of Madonna, Cher and Celine Dion. The material on her albums ranges from versions of opera arias from composers such as Puccini (on Harem, Eden, and Timeless), to pop songs by artists such as Kansas ("Dust in the Wind" on Eden), Dido ("Here with Me" on La Luna), and Procol Harum ("A Whiter Shade of Pale" on La Luna). She sings in many languages, including English, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Italian, Russian, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.

Personal life

At age 18, in 1979, Brightman married Andrew Graham-Stewart, who then managed the German band Tangerine Dream. In 1983, she divorced Graham-Stewart. She met Andrew Lloyd Webber when she performed in Cats, and Lloyd Webber later divorced his first wife, Sarah Hugill, to marry her on 22 March 1984. in Hampshire. Their marriage saw intense media and tabloid scrutiny. Brightman acknowledged the marriage in a 1999 interview as a "difficult time" but also one of much creative output. They are currently on friendly terms; at the 20th London anniversary of The Phantom of the Opera, Lloyd Webber called Brightman a "wonderful woman" and "absolutely beloved mentor". He appeared as a special guest in her 1997 concert at the Royal Albert Hall (London).

Brightman has suffered several personal crises. In February 1992, her 57 year old father committed suicide by asphyxiation in his car in Hertfordshire after divorce and financial issues. Later, she experienced an ectopic pregnancy and two miscarriages with Peterson. In an interview with British magazine Hello!, she said motherhood would have been "lovely" but accepted that she would never have a child.

Her personal assets have been estimated to be around £30m (about US$49m).                                 (    

Sarah Brightman - Español

Sarah Brightman (Hertfordshire, Reino Unido, 14 de agosto de 1960) es una soprano, actriz y bailarina británica que interpreta música del género denominado Classical Crossover. Ha cantado en inglés, español, francés, latín, alemán, italiano, hindi y mandarín.

Ha recibido 160 discos de Oro y Platino en 34 países1 y es la única artista en el mundo que ha ocupado el puesto #1 en el Billboard Dance y el Billboard Classical Chart simultáneamente.2 Sus otros logros incluyen la clasificación por la Recording Industry Association of America como la artista clásica con mayores ventas del siglo XXI y un Récord Mundial Guiness por Time to Say Goodbye, el sencillo musical más exitoso en Alemania hasta la actualidad.

Brightman se ha establecido a sí misma como la soprano de mayores ventas de todos los tiempos, con ventas mundiales que exceden los 30 millones de álbumes y más de dos millones de DVD.

Sarah Brightman nació en Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, Inglaterra, sus padres son Paula y Grenville Brightman, y es la mayor de seis hijos. A los tres, tomó clases de ballet en la Escuela Elmhurst5 y apareció en festivales locales.6 Más tarde audicionó para el Royal Ballet de Londres, pero fue rechazada.

Debutó teatralmente con 13 años en la producción I and Albert en el Piccadilly Theatre de Londres, en 1973. A los 16, se unió al grupo inglés Pan’s People y se presentó en el programa de televisión Top Of The Pops.

Poco después, la carrera de Brightman experimentó un crucial avance cuando la coreógrafa Arlene Phillips la reclutó como vocalista del grupo musical Hot Gossip, que meses más tarde entró en el Top 5 británico con el hit I lost my heart to a Starship Trooper.

Durante este tiempo conoció al que, cumplidos los 19, sería su primer esposo: Andrew Graham Stewart, que también ejercería de productor y manager por un tiempo.

Tras varios triunfos junto a Hot Gossip, Sarah regresó a sus orígenes uniéndose al reparto de un atrevido musical que batiría récords: Cats.

En 1982 protagonizó a su vez Nightingale, una ópera para niños de Charles Strauss.

En 1983, Brightman grabó el Requiem Mass compuesto por Andrew Lloyd Webber junto a Plácido Domingo. Ambos cantantes lo presentaron en Londres y Nueva York, gracias a lo cual obtuvo la nominación al Grammy a Mejor nueva artista de música clásica y el papel principal en la opereta The merry widow en la New Sadler’s Wells Opera.

Ese mismo año, Brightman se separa de Andrew Graham y comienza un romance con Andrew Lloyd Webber. La nueva pareja contraerá nupcias en 1984; no obstante, su relación finalizará de forma muy amistosa en 1990. En ese periodo, interpretó el papel de Christine Daaé en la obra The Phantom of the Opera, compuesta por Andrew Lloyd Webber y estrenada en Londres en 1986.

Habiendo participado en otros aclamados musicales como Song and Dance y Aspects of Love, presentó en 1989 su primer disco como solista, The songs that got away. Y con su segundo álbum As I came of age dio el pistoletazo de salida a una nueva etapa en su carrera.

Los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 en Barcelona fueron el escenario en que terminó por lanzarse a la fama mundial, interpretando junto al tenor español José Carreras el tema de clausura de los Juegos, Amigos para siempre. Sarah emprende un viaje a Los Angeles para fichar por un nuevo sello discográfico. Especialmente interesada en el éxito del afamado grupo belga Enigma, solicita trabajar con uno de los integrantes de la banda: Frank Peterson. Éste se convertiría en su productor y principal asesor creativo. El primer álbum, al que ambos dan forma, es Dive, inspirado en el universo marino y que incluye el single Captain Nemo (1993).
Fly (1995), un álbum pop rock y su segunda colaboración con Peterson, propulsó a Brightman a la fama en Europa con el hit "A Question of Honour". La canción se presentó en el Campeonato Mundial de Boxeo en Alemania.

"Time to Say Goodbye" ( "Con te partiro") fue la segunda canción que Sarah debutó en este evento. Este dúo con el tenor Andrea Bocelli vendió más de 3 millones de copias solo en Alemania; convirtiéndose en el sencillo musical más vendido en la historia de éste país europeo.

Timeless (publicado en 1997, con el título Time To Say Goodbye en los Estados Unidos) contenía "Time To Say Goodbye" y otros temas de inspiración clásica, como "Just Show Me How to Love You", a dueto con José Cura (originalmente cantado por Darío Baldambembo con el título "Tu Cosa Fai Stasera"), un cover del éxito de Queen "Who Wants to Live Forever", y "Tu Quieres Volver", (originalmente grabada por los Gipsy Kings). El álbum ha vendido 1.4 millones de copias en Estados Unidos.Los siguientes álbumes incluyeron Eden (1998) y La Luna (2000). Estos álbumes, a diferencia de Time to Say Goodbye, incorporaban más elementos de música pop. Los comentarios fueron mixtos - LAUNCHcast consideró a Eden "delirantemente tétrico",12 mientras que Allmusic lo describió como "una combinación ganadora".

Eden alcanzó en el Billboard 200 chart (obteniendo certificados Oro por la venta de más de 500.000 ejemplares), y La Luna alcanzó el . Además, los dos álbumes alcanzaron el #1 en el Billboard Classical Crossover chart. A finales de 2001, la revista Billboard señaló a Brightman como uno de los tres artistas más importantes de Classical Crossover (los otros siendo Charlotte Church, Andrea Bocelli y Russell Watson) con álbumes despuntando en el Billboard Classical Crossover chart y Billboard 200 chart simultáneamente, un fenómeno que, según se ha dicho, contribuyó a un resurgimiento de la música británica en los EE.UU. después de "un bajón histórico" en 1999. Según World Entertainment News Network, en 2000, Brightman entró al top-10 de los artistas británicos más rentables, con ganancias estimadas en $ 6 millones al año.

En 2001, Brightman lanzó Classics, un álbum que contenía de arias de ópera y otras piezas clásicas incluyendo una versión en solitario de "Time to Say Goodbye". El álbum alcanzó el número 1 tanto en el Top Classical Albums chart como en el Classical Crossover chart.

En 2001, Brightman publicó "The secret" en conjunto con el DJ SASH! en el quinto álbum de estudio de éste. La canción fue re-editada en 2007 como "The secret 2007 (unreleased)" y formó parte de una siguiente producción estrenada el mismo año.

Inspirado en el Medio Oriente y con influencias de música dance, Harem (2003) representó un enorme éxito. A pesar de que su nombre causó polémica en Estados Unidos, el álbum alcanzó el  en el Billboard 200 chart (consiguiendo vender 333.000 copias, es decir, aproximadamente un tercio del total de ventas de La Luna), y alcanzó el puesto  en el Billboard Classical Crossover chart; además posicionó un singleen el Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play con el remix de la canción Harem. Algún tiempo después, otro single del álbum (la canción "Free", co-escrita por Sophie B. Hawkins) se convirtió en un hit Top-10 de esta tabla. Para promocionar Harem, Brightman se presentó en el desfile de caridad Fashion Cares en Toronto, Canadá. En Harem destacan las colaboraciones de los iraquíes Ofra Haza y Kazem al-Saher. Nigel Kennedy también contribuyó con pistas de violín para las canciones "Free" y "The War is Over".

Los álbumes Eden, La Luna y Harem fueron acompañados por giras en directo que incorporaban la teatralidad de sus orígenes. En 2000 y 2001, Brightman fue uno de los 10 artistas británicos más populares en los EE.UU., recaudando $ 7 millones brutos en 34 espectáculos en 2000 y $ 5 millones en 21 espectáculos en 2001.

Recientemente, la gira Harem recaudó más de 60 millones de dólares netos y vendió más de 700.000 entradas, de los cuales 15 millones y 225.000 entradas procedían de América del Norte.

Los comentarios para las giras fueron mixtos: un crítico del New York Times describió a La Luna tour "no tan divina, pero sobre-humana" y "sin intención inquietante: un hermoso argumento de vacío." En contraste, un crítico de la Boston Globe considera a la gira Harem "única, convincente" y "encantadora y eficaz".

Los especiales de PBS fueron producidos para casi todos los álbumes de Brightman en los Estados Unidos; un director de marketing ha descrito estos epeciales como la fuente de su éxito. De hecho, su concierto de Eden fue uno de los eventos trasmitidos que más recaudó.

En 2004, Brightman se presenta en la entrega de los Arabian Music Awards celebrada el 15 de mayo de 2004 en Dubái en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Decenas de artistas árabes llegaron de emirato del Golfo para participar en la primera edición de este festival musical que premia a los mejores artistas y los mejores videoclips del año.

En 2005, Brightman se presentó en los Henri Nannen Awards interpretando una aria de la ópera Turandot, "Nessun Dorma"; y en 2006 participó en el International Children’s Peace Prize cantando el tema "Hijo de la Luna". El International Children’s Peace Prize es un premio otorgado anualmente a un niño que ha hecho una contribución significativa a la promoción de los derechos de los niños y la mejora de la situación de los niños vulnerables como los huérfanos, niños trabajadores y niños con el VIH / SIDA

Brightman publicó una colección de DVD de sus videos musicales, el 3 de octubre de 2006 bajo el título de Diva: The Video Collection. Diva: The Singles Collection es la versión en CD, publicada en la misma fecha. El álbum entró a los grandes éxitos en los Estados Unidos, alcanzando el número 1 en el Billboard Classical Crossover chart.

En una cena celebrada en The Mansion House el 10 de septiembre de 2008, Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Gales puso de relieve la urgente necesidad de adoptar medidas para detener la deforestación tropical. El objetivo del evento es alentar a los inversores potenciales a que se sumen a los esfuerzos por encontrar la manera de hacer de la selva una nueva clase de activos. El entretenimiento fue proporcionado por Brightman, quien cantó "Nella Fantasia", la canción tema de la película The Mision, que fue elegido deliberadamente como un himno a los bosques.

Posteriores apariciones incluyen el Concierto para Diana en julio de 2007, cuando cantó "All I Ask of You" junto a Josh Groban; En China participa en el Live Earth de Shanghai el 7 de julio interpretando cuatro canciones: "Nessun Dorma", "La Luna", "Nella Fantasia" y "Time to Say Goodbye"; estrenó su sencillo "Running" en el Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo en Osaka (IAAF Championship) el 25 de agosto;participó en el Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade interpretando "The Journey Home" y más tarde colaboró con Anne Murray en el álbum Anne Murray duets: Friends and Legends.

Brightman también fue invitada junto con Lesley Garrett en el nuevo estadio de Wembley en Londres para cantar "Abide With Me" antes de la final de la Copa FA entre Chelsea y Manchester United.

El 29 de enero de 2008, Brightman lanzó su primer álbum en cinco años: Symphony, influenciado por sonidos góticos; éste se convirtió en uno de los álbumes más exitosos de Brightman, logrando debutar en el puesto  en el Billboard 200,25 además de ocupar la primera posición en algunas listas de Billboard como en "Top Albums Classical Crossover", "Top Classical Overall Albums" y "Top Internet Albums". Symphony vendió 31.463 copias en la primera semana de ventas en EE.UU. según Nielsen Soundscan.26 La canción "Symphony" es un cover de "Simphonie" por el grupo alemán Silbermond. En el álbum destacan las participaciones de los artistas Fernando Lima con el tema Pasión mismo que fue grabado para una telenovela mexicana del mismo nombre, Andrea Bocelli y el vocalista de KISS, Paul Stanley que a dúo con Brightman interpretan "I Will Be With You"; Una versión cointerpretada con Chris Thompson de esta última fue el tema para la 10 ª película de Pocket Monters Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai.

Brightman, hizo varias apariciones en la televisión de los Estados Unidos para promover el álbum, incluyendo el Fashion on Ice de NBC el 12 de enero, The View el 30 de enero, Martha, el 31 de enero y Fox and Friends de Fox News Channel. El 25 de mayo de 2008 cantó "Pie Jesu" y "There You'll be" en el concierto del día memorial de los Estados Unidos que se celebró en el Capitolio de Washington DC. Brightman protagoniza a Blind Mag en el filme musical Repo! The Genetic Opera que fue estrenado en Noviembre de 200828 29 - su primer papel protagónico.

El 6 de abril de 2008 Brightman se presenta en los Juno Awards en Calgary, Alberta junto a Anne Murray y Jann Arden interpretando el tema Snowbird.

El 8 de agosto de 2008 Brightman y el cantante chino Liu Huan cantaron conjuntamente "You and Me" en mandarín e Inglés en los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing 2008 en la ceremonia de apertura. Alrededor de  millones de espectadores (un tercio de la población mundial) siguieron la ceremonia de apertura. En las siguientes 26 horas posteriores a la ceremonia, la canción fue descargada más de  millones de veces, batiendo todo record de distribución en tan pocas horas.El 4 de noviembre de 2008, Brightman lanza su primer álbum de temporada, titulado A Winter Symphony que llega al número 3 de las listas estadounidenses y obtiene certificado de 'Oro' en Canadá.4 Más tarde se embarca en una gira para acompañar su álbum Symphony que visitó numerosas ciudades de Norteamérica y Asia.

En diciembre de 2008 Sarah cantó "Silent Night" en el Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas parade, que fue transmitido por ABC la mañana de Navidad.

Debido a las peticiones de sus seguidores, se publicó el álbum "Symphony: Live in Vienna", grabado en directo para la cadena de TV PBS. El álbum incluye la actuación de la soprano en la Catedral de Stephansdom en Viena el 16 de enero de 2008. "Symphony: Live in Vienna" vendió solo 3000 copias en su primera semana de lanzamiento en EE.UU. y alcanzó el puesto  en el Billboard Classical Crossover chart.

El 8 de julio de 2009, Brigthman lanza únicamente en Japón Amalfi: Sarah Brightman Love Songs, el cual es la banda sonora oficial de la película japonesa Amalfi: Megami No 50-Byou, que es una producción especial de la marca Fuji Television.

En Otoño del mismo año, se inicia una nueva gira de conciertos denominada Sarah Brightman In Concert abarcando  ciudades de latinoamérica. La gira concluyó con un concierto en la zona arqueológica de Chichén Itzá en México denominado "El Concierto de la Pirámide", convirtiéndose así en la primer mujer en dar un concierto en esta maravilla del mundo

En noviembre de 2009, Brightman estuvo a cargo de interpretar el tema principal del drama histórico "Saka Kumo no Ue no", producido por NHK. Bajo el título "Stand Alone", la canción fue compuesta por Joe Hisaishi y escrito por Kundo Koyama. Se incluyó en el álbum de la banda sonora del drama, publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2009.

En enero de 2010 Panasonic Corporation lanzó la canción "Shall Be Done", interpretada por Brightman en el Pabellón Olímpico de Panasonic en LiveCity Yaletown, el sitio oficial de los Juegos Olímpicios de Invierno Vancouver 2010. La nueva canción "Shall Be Done" es una medida innovadora de Panasonic para llegar a la comunidad mundial con su filosofía y visión corporativa.

El primer entrenamiento vocal de Brightman fue con Elizabeth Hawes, jefe de la Trinity Music College de Londres, y más tarde con Ellen Faull de la Academia Juilliard. Actualmente estudia con el internacionalmente conocido profesor David Romano. El registro más agudo de la inglesa ha sido de G7 en el minuto 3:16 del Tema "How Can Heaven Love Me" de su Album "Fly" rompiendo un record importantísimo en la historia de su voz, es por ello que dicha nota interpretada además del tema "Tao of Mag" en el filme Repo! The Genetic Opera atribuyen a elevar su rango vocal por encima de las octavas de gama gracias al cambio de tecnica de la soprano que le atribuye a alcanzar  octavas de gama. Sin embargo, sus notas más altas cantadas en público es el F6 sobreagudo y F7 en la parte sucesiva final de "The Phantom Of The Opera (Versión Symphony Tour)".

La música de Sarah Brightman es normalmente clasificada como Classical Crossover. En una entrevista con la revista People, Brightman rechazó la etiqueta de Classical Crossover y la describió como "horrible", pero dijo que entiende la necesidad de la gente por categorizar la música.

Sus influencias incluyen música de los años 60 y 70 y artistas como David Bowie y Pink Floyd. El material de sus discos va de versiones de arias de ópera de compositores como Puccini o Verdi (en Harem, Eden, y Timeless), a canciones de pop ("Dust in the Wind" de Kansas), ("Here With Me" de Dido), y ("A Whiter Shade of Pale" de Procol Harum).

Actualmente los principales mercados de Brightman son (en orden de importancia): Canadá, Japón, China, EE.UU., México, Brasil y Alemania.

Unei Diane

Unei Diane...

Din amintiri ai aparut, pe o creasta de lumina,
Ieri ca si azi m-i te-ai ascuns in norii ce suspina.
Atunci, grabita ai plecat, sperand o lume mai senina;
Nici in urma nu te-ai mai uitat, nevrand, cand te-am strigat.
Acum, doar amintirile mi le-ai lasat pe-o frunza in gradina.